Pearl Harbor East Side Tour
Pearl Harbor East Side Tour
About This Tour
Total duration: | 4 hours | |
Availability: | 7 Days A Week | |
Tour rating: |
Total Duration: 10 Hours (From First Pickup To Last Drop-Off)
Availability: Everyday Except Wednesdays
Time: 7am to 5pm
Tour Rating:
Discover Oahu’s most popular tour that includes an incredible Pearl Harbor experience, along with a fantastic Honolulu City tour. This incredible five-hour tour provides you the complete story of Dec 7, 1941, the day that launched the United States into World War II; that includes the total Pearl Harbor Visitor Center experience, its museums, movie documentaries, on the Japanese attack, and the official National Park Service tour to the USS Arizona Memorial.
Have Questions? Call (808) 215-5930

Adult Ages 13+
Children Ages 2-12
Guaranteed Ticket With Purchase!