Clone of Sunset Cruise North Shore – Go Adventure
Clone of Sunset Cruise North Shore – Go Adventure
Oahu Sunset Cruise
Total duration: | 2 hours | |
Availability: | 7 Days A Week | |
Time: | Daily @ 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM | |
Tour rating: |
Total Duration: 2 Hours
Availability: Everyday
Time: 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Tour Rating:
Pau Hana Time! (Happy Hour) An evening of relaxation and entertainment aboard our vessel, where guests will enjoy a coastal sunset tour of the fabled North Shore. Our crew will provide education on the North Shoreʼs historical and cultural significance, while scouting for signs of local marine life. Hawaiian waters offer a diverse abundance of species that are common to encounter inshore, such as green sea turtles, frigate birds, spinner dolphins, humpback whales and even sharks. Guests are welcome to BYOB and enjoy food and refreshments throughout the tour.
All guests are required to check-in with the captain, at the boat, 30 minutes prior to departure. Late guests cannot be accommodated as each charter operates on a strict schedule in order to maximize guest experience and time paid for.
- Bring anything you think you might need on the cruise, including food and/or water, sunscreen etc…
Have Questions? Call (808) 698-5779

Adult Ages 3+
Infants: (Under 2 Years)
Private Charter
6 Max